As a divided world looks for beauty and substance amongst our collective disillusionment, JES displays her unique tranquility in the form of a new acoustic series that shines positivity and light. With two releases already available on digital streaming platforms or as free downloads, the dance icon will release an un-plugged version of one of her hits, a cover or a new track every month throughout the summer and fall.
“I love to do these acoustic versions of songs because it feels like you get to communicate the song in the purest way,” says JES.
The latest release in the series, “In Ohm,” asks a simple question that drives to the heart of our shared unrest. With a simple arrangement of piano, guitar and strings beautifully framing JES’ candid vocal performance, “In Ohm” will sooth your senses.
“I honestly feel that “In Ohm” is more relevant now than when I first recorded it,” said JES. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned from traveling, it’s that we have to work hard to overcome our differences because there is no them–there’s only us.”