Markus Schulz & JES “Calling For Love” Out Now!
Markus x JES is the equation, and if you’re wondering how that’s never have happened before, well the
queue forms to the left! Analysis is now academic as two of trance’s greats bridge the studio/song gap with the
soul-stirringly moving ‘Calling For Love’.
In its all-day-play radio version, first contact with ‘Calling’ came through April’s interlinked ‘In Bloom EP’ and
GDJB show. For it’s standalone release, Markus has club-equipped the Extended Mix with all the necessaries to
see it reign equally at night. Tapping the tempo gas, ‘Calling’s production’s been galvanised by hardier drums,
hastening snares, percussive march and – in its latter stages – synth-radiance. By turns strong, optimistic, defiant, wrought and lamenting, JES’ song is a swirl of contending emotions, lyrically & vocally encapsulating her theme.
‘Calling For Love’s official video will shortly join fellow ‘In Bloom’ single ‘Safe From Harm’s (which passed the 1
million YouTube views marker last week) online. Meantime, you can stream/purchase the Extended Mix of
‘Calling For Love’ here: http://markusschulz.choons.at/callingforlove